Friday, December 2, 2011

December 2011 – Get Ready for Acceleration and Be Prepared to Relieve Stress

The monthly forecasts not only empower you with wisdom, they can help you relieve stress and feel more optimistic.

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In order to shift into the next gear, there needs to be acceleration and an increase of speed. With the increase of speed, and just before you shift, the lower gear is overworked and can no longer maintain the acceleration and the speed without effort and being hard on the engine. As you shift into a higher gear, you are able to maintain a greater speed with less effort.

This month you are very much like a vehicle that needs to speed up in order to keep up with the flow of traffic. But as you accelerate in your lower gear, at some point you will need to shift into a higher gear, the next level of consciousness or the next frequency. Shifting into a higher gear means accepting the accelerated times as standard and allowing the current level of activity to feel normal, effortless, familiar and balanced.

We have an opportunity to work with “time” this month, to shift and reinvent how we perceive it. We have an opportunity to move beyond our old concepts of time and the limitations that those old beliefs and concepts have imprinted us with. Don’t be surprised if this month you have some kind of experience where you feel you are in a time warp, or you experience a feeling of de ja vu. One minute you feel as if there is no time at all to accomplish what you need to do, and the next minute you feel as if there is all the time in the world. Some days will go by slowly, like molasses, and other days will speed by so quickly you will not know where the day went. Things you did yesterday will seem like you experienced them a whole year ago, and things you are doing today may feel like you have been doing them your whole life.

Everything is accelerated. Events that come together, situations falling apart, new projects that get started, decisions that get made and changes that occur. What if you woke up and your hair was 2 inches longer overnight? What if you lost or gained 10 pounds overnight? What if were able to learn or grasp something new in a fraction of the time you would have expected? What if something that used to take 2 months only took 1 day? Creativity and destruction both are accelerated at this time. A healing process can be accelerated as well as disease and death. And we also have the opportunity to begin to use a greater percentage of our brain as the quantum field opens its mysteries up to us and we wake up our DNA.

Remember that our belief systems and our perceptions create our reality therefore the reality that has been our taskmaster of “time” is going through a change. We are directing this change. Time is stretching, accelerating, slowing down, becoming elastic, and moving towards being a multi dimensional experience instead of a linear one. The key in changing how we create time is in letting go of the mind’s need to control, to know, to track, and to organize. In the acceleration of the month, the mind in fact will not have an option. It will have to simply give up its need to track, organize, categorize, and understand. It cannot keep up.

Think of yourself sitting in a train and watching the environment out the window as you speed by. It is impossible to freeze a view or get anything more than a sense of what you are seeing. However it is an accepted belief that the brain actually records everything even when the mind cannot process it in a linear way. So we are in fact moving from a linear way of operating and understanding to a non-linear or multi-dimensional experience. This will take some time to get used to. In the meantime you can do your part through acceptance, non-judgment, compassion for others and setting your own good boundaries.

“Boundaries” is a theme carried over from last month. When you find too much on your plate, only you can decide what is a priority, what is important, what you can delegate, what you can say “no” to, and how you can bring balance into the acceleration. It is most important to set boundaries around habitual expectations of others that no longer serve you or that are no longer appropriate for you to deliver. There will always be someone who is not happy with your boundaries. Allow them to be unhappy and set your boundaries anyway. Beware of becoming frustrated, argumentative, feeling out of control, anxious and unsettled. The only thing you can control is yourself. So this is a time where you can practice taking control of your life, setting your own boundaries, becoming responsible for yourself in ways you have not been before, and treating everything around you with acceptance and neutrality.

When you don’t resist the acceleration and you flow with the movement it feels productive, inspiring, ecstatic, effortless, exhilarating and evolved. When you resist, it can feel off center, sluggish, out of tune, and like the energy is moving in fits and starts. The high-octane fuel you need at this time is your own trust in your intuition and your willingness to leave the controls of the mind behind. Once you taste the exhilaration of being in sync with the acceleration, be careful not to move into impatience when you see others struggling around you. Remember to be compassionate and neutral.

Many will be challenged this month. (Some of you may need to do more practices to relieve stress). When things spin out of control, there are many responses and reactions. Fear, hysteria, denial, withdrawl, confusion, impatience with others, martyrdom and blame, stubbornness (the “I won’t” syndrome) and a general sense of being on the edge of going off the deep end. You will witness people behaving unlike themselves and having meltdowns as they look at where their agreements are, feeling overwhelmed with what they think they need to accomplish, and struggling with their own belief that things are moving too fast. (suggested helpful audio: How to Deal with Stress and Melt Downs, link here to order).

Too fast for what? If you catch yourself saying “things are moving too fast”, change the affirmation to “things are moving at a perfect pace and I love it“. If you find yourself saying, “I have too much on my plate, too much to do and I can’t do it”, change the affirmation to “I have the perfect amount to do, plenty of time and energy with which to do it, and what I do is exactly what I need and want to be doing”. Use the visual image of shifting into a higher gear to take the stress off the transmission and the effort out of the movement. Take a deep breath and relax.

Your intentions and affirmations this month especially during the first ten days carry a lot of power as we begin the month in the window of two eclipses. So be sure to focus some time on what you want and don’t be afraid to dream big. Anything is possible during this accelerated time and things can happen more quickly than you could ever have imagined.

Click here to access the full monthly commentary packed with tips to help you strengthen your relationships, health, relieve stress and more. Print out the full forecast and reference it throughout the month. (The above is an excerpt from the commentary.

The author of the monthly forecast, Lena Stevens, is an author and co-founder of an international school and consulting firm dedicated to the study and application of shamanism and wisdom. Lena Stevens has co-authored books with Jose Stevens, Ph.D., such as Secrets of Shamanism: Tapping the Spirit Power Within You and The Power Path: The Shaman’s Way To Success in Business and Life.

P.S. If you feel stress during the month and want to relieve stress, one thing you can do is reread this forecast and reflect on messages that you think are important for you.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

November Forecast 2011

This is the time to renew your commitments, your intentions and your priorities. It is the month to refresh your environment, to refinish and brighten what has dulled, to rekindle important friendships, to recharge relationships, to bring more chi into the body and to re-determine your goals and the path to reach them.

November is a more masculine month with plenty of energy available for moving forward. We have had times supporting movement previously this year. The difference now is that everything has shifted, giving you more access to the quantum field and to what is possible. You need to acknowledge this difference and expand your awareness to accommodate it.

The image is of being in a small pond where you know your limits and your limitations, the edges and the boundaries. The pond has become too small however you are used to navigating within it. The enclosure of the pond has been removed and we find ourselves in a vast ocean not being able to use the sight and feel of the enclosure for navigation. What is necessary now is to trust the inner navigation, your inner radar. This inner radar is your own intuition and sense of self, sense of what is right and sense of where your path lies. Your inner radar is your own heart.

Deeper dimensions of experience are now available to us where we are not limited to experiencing just the physical plane. When you look at a tree you will begin to see not just the physical form of the tree, but rather a multidimensional experience of the tree, its spirit, its communication, its soul. The same goes for people around you. You will begin to experience them as multidimensional beings with loads of history. The downside of this expansion is the tendency for overload and the possibility of losing ones tether to the agreed upon collective experience of the physical world. You will probably witness what appears to be mental breakdown and psychic meltdown among many who are not able to differentiate and separate the physical from the astral very well. They need much compassion and help at this time.

Then there are those that are not conscious enough yet to notice any difference. We have said before that this time frame will begin to create a huge gap between how one person experiences life as opposed to another person. One person’s reality will definitely be way different than another’s depending on their level of consciousness. These times require a great allowing and acceptance of others to be just where they are and acknowledging that the experience of life will be as varied as each individual.

It is important that you keep a good handle on reality during these times but with a conscious allowing of a gradual expansion into the broader experience available. This can be done with intention and we advise taking some time every day to meditate and open your senses. This is a good practice also when you are in nature or in a place of clearer energy. It is not advised when you are in a crowd. If you feel you are on overload you may need to practice pulling your energy field in and putting some protection up. Recommended audio for working with the themes of the month link: Energy Management: Protection & Appropriate Exchange.

The masculine quality of the month provides an opportunity for great clarity especially if you use your intuition with it. Anytime you feel confused you are probably trying to sort things out based on something other than what simply feels right to you. Beware of too many cooks in the kitchen when you are in the process of an important decision. Remember that others view things through the lens of their own experience and what ends up being right for you may not always make sense to them. It is always a good idea to run things by someone you trust but the final decision will have to be yours alone.

In this time you all should be renewing your commitment to taking responsibility for your own lives. No one is going to fix it, make it better, get you out of debt, improve your health, give you a better job, remove your addictions and co-dependencies, or make anything stop except you, yourself. This is the time of growing up. It is your life. Stop whining and complaining and renew your commitment to yourself to create the kind of life that you want. Not what someone else thinks you should be doing, but what you want. Renew your intentions and honor that this is a time of renewal when anything becomes possible. Dream big.

Now comes the hard part; dealing with the distractions that threaten to derail you at every turn.

There is the story of the monk and the temple of a thousand demons. A group of monks were to go through their final test, getting through the temple of a thousand demons. One by one the monks entered the first door and after screams and intense noises coming from inside the temple not one of them emerged from the door on the other side. Finally the last monk asked the elder priest for any advice that would help him get through. “Just keep your eye on the door on the other side. Never take your eyes off the door”, the elder answered. The young monk entered and after a time of the same loud intense noises and screams, he came tumbling out the door on the other side. When asked how he had done it when so many others had failed, he said “I just kept my eye on the door, never took it off”.

The door on the other side represents your goals and intentions. The temple of a thousand demons is life itself. The distractions are your reactions and any behavior that is not of spirit. Feed any energy at all into a small drama and it will very quickly become a big one. Any reaction at all that is not completely neutral will have a charge to it and throw you off center. You will notice that all behaviors not of spirit are initiated by some reaction that is not neutral. Practice neutrality. It is absolutely the best thing you can do and always puts you in a position of power. So renew your priorities based on your inner rudder and your heart and then keep your eye on your goals, on the door on the other side of the temple of a thousand demons.

The theme of Boundaries is a big one this month. As energetic limitations are lifted it is important to renew and reset your own boundaries. In the exploration of the expanded access to the quantum field, you may run across some people with no boundaries at all and others that try to impose on yours or impose their boundaries on you. Everything and everyone is pushing this way and that in an attempt to reset some kind of order. It is up to you to reset and renew your own boundaries according to your priorities and goals. The human experience has been based on reaction and pushing up against something. When you are in the ocean there is nothing to push up against until a boundary is created. The new container has to be created from within and many people are not used to the responsibility of the task. It will be very interesting to observe in the next year or so, what becomes manifest.

Sometimes renewal demands the death of something. The theme of death/rebirth is also active this month. As you go through your life and decide what needs renewal, there may be aspects that you can no longer tolerate or accommodate. Open your eyes and see things realistically. Allow death when it is called for by purposefully eliminating what is past. Especially use death to eliminate old dramas that still have you tethered. Remember that if it does not feel good and if you cannot be neutral about it, it is not of spirit.

Click here to access the full monthly commentary packed with tips to help you strengthen your relationships, health and more.   Print out the full forecast and reference it throughout the month. (The above is an excerpt from the commentary).
The author of the monthly forecast, Lena Stevens, is an author and co-founder of an international school and consulting firm dedicated to the study and application of shamanism and wisdom.  Lena Stevens has co-authored books with Jose Stevens, Ph.D., such as Secrets of Shamanism:Tapping the Spirit Power Within You and The Power Path: The Shaman’s Way To Success in Business and Life.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Creative Ways to Improve Your Finances and Enhance Your Lifestyle

This article is an excerpt from the new audio book entitled The Warrior Spirit, by author and consultant Mary Rivas.

What does wealth mean to you? 

Is it having a certain amount of money in the bank or is it having a certain lifestyle that makes you feel rich?  Do you fantasize about having the freedom to spend your days doing what you love and getting paid for it?  Does wealth mean exotic traveling and living in a beautiful home?   

Whatever wealth means to you, know that there is usually more than one way to get what you want!  Yes, once you open your mind and heart to infinite possibilities, you’ll discover that you can greatly improve your financial situation and enhance your lifestyle in multiple ways.  When it comes to financial goals, most people think of only creating more money.  Yes, you can make more money, and you can do much more than that too! 

Three Money Stories -Getting What You Desire Without Spending Money

How a Friend Got His Bentley by Bartering

A friend of mine once offered a business owner his ideas on how to resolve a serious issue the company owner was having. My friend offered his business advice as a personal favor. He didn't realize that he was engaging in a barter.  The company owner was so impressed with my friend's astute business insights that he asked my friend what he would like to receive in return.  My friend told him that he wanted his Bentley. 

Yes, he got the Bentley.  My friend enjoyed telling me this story as we drove around in his shiny new car.  (The average price of a Bentley is around $150,000.)

How a Free and Fully-Furnished Apartment Materialized  

Years ago, when I lived on an island near Long Beach, California, I really wanted to have a second home in Los Angeles so I could spend time with my daughter in Los Angeles.  Long story short, I got a fully furnished, very elegant home that exceeded what I had imagined was possible.

It was a unique situation.  I offered part-time consulting services in exchange for high consulting fees and a beautiful home.  My daughter lived with me in this second home for the time that we needed to take care of important matters.  For about two years, I divided my time between Catalina Island and Los Angeles.  It was great for a while.  But once we took care of what we needed to do together, we moved on to new paths. 

One Month No Laptop In Sight, Next Month Brand New Laptop

My sister confided to a friend one day over lunch that she deeply wanted to learn how to use a computer.  The problem was that she couldn't afford a computer.  My sister had dedicated her life to bringing up her children, and now she wanted to start doing things for herself.  Being able to use a computer was on the top of her dream list. 

Weeks later, the surprise came.  Her friend delivered her a shiny new laptop.  My sister was shocked and beyond grateful.  She never thought that she could get a computer.  This amazing gift came her way because she opened up her heart, confiding to a trusted friend about her dream (which she didn't normally do), and had faith her prayers would be answered.  You never know how a friend can help you out.

Build a Business With No Capital

If you have a leaning towards business, refer to the Resources section in The Warrior Spirit for a free e-book  on how to shift your business thinking forever.  Learn  how to expand your sense of limitless possibilities in the  area of business.  In this e-book, you'll learn about making tidy sums of money using creative, unorthodox thinking. It's a great read to open your mind to financial possibilities. 

Click on this video link to discover how you can use hidden mind powers and ancient wisdom to get what you deeply desire. 

Thursday, October 20, 2011

New Audio Helps You Relieve Stress and Achieve Goals Faster

Los Angeles, CA – October 18, 2011 – (“WSA”) has released a self help audio that does far more than help people relieve stress and achieve deeply desired goals.  Its ultimate purpose is to help people connect with their inner power and strengthen the faith in the power of themselves.  Entitled ‘The Warrior Spirit—How To Use Hidden Mind Powers and Ancient Wisdom To Create Wealth and More’ it helps people feel more optimistic and relaxed.

The Warrior Spirit audio gives step-by-step help to achieve personal goals with greater ease using higher mind states and shamanic wisdom.  If the mind is filled to capacity with non-stop mind chatter, you make it difficult to create the results you want in your life.  Stress prevents you from having insights, creative ideas and confidence that can help you achieve your goals; it weakens your ability to solve issues that trigger anxiety and stress,” says Mary Rivas, founder of WSA.

The audio and companion e-book are ideal for today’s environment where people experience a lot of anxiety over stressful events such as losing their jobs and homes.  Latest statistics indicate that 75% of people experience stress regularly; more than half say they find stress debilitating and want to relieve stress.  Stress is a key contributor to high blood pressure and heart disease.

The Warrior Spirit is different from common self-help books; it empowers people at a deeper level.  It teaches people how to connect with a higher force and increase their personal power to relieve stress and overcome challenges in daily life.
Visit to watch a video that shares wisdom and reveals how people can tap into their mind powers to change their life for the better.  Also, visitors  can sign up to receive a deep relaxation download to relieve stress and more.

Monday, October 3, 2011

October 2011 – The Point of No Return

The image is that of facing a well-known view, in fact a view you have become so accustomed to you hardly notice it anymore. And now you have just realized that you are turning away from this view 90 degrees to the right and leaving it completely behind in order to face a new view. Suddenly it dawns on you that the old view will be gone forever, never to be seen again in the same way. There is nostalgia around the permanence of the loss of this old view. It is familiar to you and it has served to inspire, entertain, give you feedback and be a placeholder in your life. You realize that once you turn towards the new view the old one is gone forever. And despite the inadequacies of the old view in matching a new time, there is a resistance to giving it up and turning towards the unknown. What if the new view isn’t as good as the old one? What if you won’t be able to see the new view? What if it is not a clear view, or an inspiring one? What if there is no new view?

The Turning Point can also be called the Point of No Return. When one season ends and another begins, as in moving from Summer to Fall, there is no going back. You have passed the point of no return. And as you move clockwise around the medicine wheel from one direction to the next, you are at a point of no return as you arrive at the new position or direction. The natural progression in moving forward is always clockwise or to your right. That is the way the clock works, the seasons roll, and wheels move forward. So we are at the point of turning clockwise into a new landscape providing us with a new view.

We have been creating this new view for a while now. We just have not turned our sights on it as yet. The new view has been waiting for our much-needed focus on it to come into being and we are just now at that point but some of us still unwilling to make the final turn. What we do not realize in our resistance is that the new view is fabulous, inspiring, supportive and perfect for where we need to go. However in order to see the new view we must turn away from the old one and turn towards the new one. This is happening whether you are choosing to or not. We are truly at the Turning Point right now.

Another image to work with is the idea of the Turning Point as the point at which there is enough energy moving in a certain direction to insure a result. If you have been ill and are recovering, there is turning point in your illness where you are insured a recovery. The same thing applies to an ending or a death. There is a certain turning point at which there is a certainty about the outcome. When a lot of energy is being put into building a business or starting a project, or cultivating a relationship, there is always a turning point at which it either takes off or you see that it won’t work. This month you have the opportunity to experience turning points in many aspects of your life. Perhaps you have set certain intentions, and worked with them over time. This month you may get to experience a turning point in manifesting those intentions.

Other themes of the month are Transition/Transformation and Death/Rebirth.

Transition/Transformation and Death/Rebirth are similar in that they both use the turning point to move from one point to another. The main characteristic of this change as a turning point is that there is finality to the ending of one experience that automatically turns you towards another one. What is the experience of the Turning Point trying to teach us this month?

What we need to learn is to be more present so we can fully embrace what is in front of us and then let it go with gratitude for the experience it provided. We need to learn to be less attached so that we can turn away from the old view and toward the new one with less resistance. We also need to learn to be more trusting and confident that the view we are creating that we are turning toward is exactly what we want and need. We need to face this view with confidence, enthusiasm and excitement instead of with fear.

Many of you know that there is a marker at the end of this month that marks the official end of the Mayan Calendar, namely the date of October 28, 2011. There are many predictions about what may happen at this time. Some predict 3 days of darkness, some predict major earth changes, some predict that nothing significant will happen, and other predict that the changes will be mostly personal, emotional and psychological

October 28, 2011 is simply a marker as it is impossible to predict what the Turning Point will manifest. What we can predict is change and transition that brings us all beyond the point of no return.

Click here to access the full monthly commentary packed with tips to help you strengthen your relationships, health and more.   Print out the full forecast and reference it throughout the month. (The above is an excerpt from the commentary).

The author of the monthly forecast, Lena Stevens, is an author and co-founder of an international school and consulting firm dedicated to the study and application of shamanism and wisdom.  Lena Stevens has co-authored books with Jose Stevens, Ph.D., such as Secrets of Shamanism:Tapping the Spirit Power Within You and The Power Path: The Shaman’s Way To Success in Business and Life.

A Special Webinar Invitation and Announcement

For most of this year, I've been on a mission to finish a special project that I started over a year ago. As many of you know, I left California in early 2011 to live in Central America.  While I lived in Panama, (I returned to U.S. this week) I put all of my energy and dedication into finishing this special mission.  

Though I have worked non-stop on this creation and have loved the process, I am thrilled that at last it is completed and that I can now tell you about it!  This week I will be launching The Warrior Spirit:  How To Use Hidden Mind Powers and Ancient Wisdom To Create Wealth & Much More.

To celebrate the launch of The Warrior Spirit, I am doing a special webinar where I will share awesome knowledge about
mind powers and self-empowerment.   

To sign up for the Warrior Spirit Webinar (no charge), please see my fan page I Love Law of Attraction

My intention is that it will find its way to everyone who can be helped by it and for it to be wildly succeed in creating transformational results for people.

To a path filled with personal power and wisdom,

Mary Rivas

Monday, September 5, 2011

September Forecast – Tips for Staying Positive and Overcoming Worry

This is a tremendous and unpredictable time of change, opportunity and resetting patterns and we have no idea how it’s all going to manifest or show up. So what is called for right now is to be generously allowing of whatever is occurring to occur without resistance, fear, judgment, over processing, over identifying, over thinking or denial. “Allowing,” means opening yourself up to the unknown, stretching your flexibility muscle and being neutral about whatever is happening. Allowing is not about surrender or giving up, nor is it passive. It is an active choice to let things be the way they are.

The biggest challenge this month is worry. Worry keeps you in a micromanaging position of constantly needing to track and obsess about what is going on. Worry creates a hyper vigilance that is not useful at this time and will only keep you from being able to move forward. Worry and fear are never justified and any choice or decision that is made from a place of worry or fear will set you back instead of supporting you in your greater intentions and desires.

We could say that the subtheme for the month is Trust. A great deal of trust is needed at this time in order to allow for what has been seeded and planted and nurtured to actually be able to come into full bloom. If you have seeded your intentions and tended the garden, you can trust that the plants will bloom. It does not require you to stand in vigilance worrying that they won’t. We are quickly moving towards the harvest of what we have set up for ourselves as a species and global community. What comes before the harvest is seeing the full bloom of our efforts, lessons, personal and collective patterns, and the colors of what we have accomplished and what has yet to be done.

So if you have been in denial, fear, worry, resistance, negativity, complacency, ambivalence, anxiety, judgment or any other negative expression, you will see this in its fullest bloom so you can do something about it. If you have been manifesting unexpressed emotions, old patterns or suppressed anger through your body in physical conditions and symptoms, these may show up as well. If this is the case, the worst thing you can do is go into more anger, resentment, martyrdom, self-loathing, resistance or judgment. Let it be. Allow whatever it is to show up fully however it is showing up, without any resistance and from a place of deep neutrality. From there you will be able to make practical and proactive choices about the changes you need and about what should come next. Don’t be afraid to ask for help.

However if you have been working on yourself and weeding out what does not serve you, setting good intentions, staying present, paying attention, taking responsibility for yourself, your health, your reactions and your patterns, then you will see the fruits of your labors and the blossoms will be big and beautiful. Continue the good work, as this time frame requires a continued focus, responsibility and showing up. Allow yourself to be flexible and resilient. Have compassion for those less fortunate without feeling the need to fix.

The times are unstable, unpredictable, chaotic and full of trends and patterns that are very new to our collective experience. We have pushed through the birth canal and now it is time to trust the current environment to fully support a new life. Allow the environment to serve you in its own way and allow yourself to be in service to whatever your essence has in store for you. This is no longer about what the personality wants but rather what the essence goals are. So get out of your own way and allow the transformation. Just as the caterpillar resists the destruction of its form, that destruction is necessary if it ever intends to be a butterfly.

This is more of a “being” month than a “doing” month. Certainly you may have energy to put into tasks and projects but the motivation and support for their accomplishment comes from a place of being rather than a place of doing and effort. Because of the unpredictability of the times, things may manifest in very unusual ways if you allow them to. This requires putting your fixed ideas about how it should be done aside so that something new can emerge. It is a good month to revisit all of your intentions and determine whether you have enough flexibility to allow a new way of manifesting.

The other challenge this month is to stay positive in the face of so much fear, negativity, martyrdom and discouragement. Staying positive takes discipline. Not effort, just discipline.

How to stay positive:

Always acknowledge a higher order, a bigger picture and a greater plan to anything that feels like a setback, unfair, limiting or contrary to your highest intentions.

Remind yourself daily that you and only you create everything you experience, and usually for a good reason that you may not be able to see just yet.

Allow for the positive things to come into your life as well as the challenges. Just because others may be challenged does not mean you have to join them.

Be inspired by, rather than fearful of, the possibilities and the opportunities that change provides.

Be willing, be allowing, be trusting, be flexible, be in humor, and be delighted.

When you take responsibility for your own blossoms and harvest you come from a place of power. If you are in the drivers seat you can determine where you go next. So if you don’t like what you see, know that you have the power to change it. If you like what you see, don’t get arrogant. Just be grateful.

Click here to access the full monthly commentary packed with tips to help you strengthen your relationships, health, finances and more.   Print out the full forecast and reference it throughout the month. (The above is an excerpt from the commentary).

The author of the monthly forecast, Lena Stevens, is an author and co-founder of an international school and consulting firm dedicated to the study and application of shamanism and wisdom.  Lena Stevens has co-authored books with Jose Stevens, Ph.D., such as Secrets of Shamanism:Tapping the Spirit Power Within You and The Power Path: The Shaman’s Way To Success in Business and Life.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

August 2011–A Time To Do More Than You Think Is Possible

The main theme for August is Wake Up and Pay Attention.
This does not mean becoming more hyper-vigilant or controlling but rather becoming more present and taking notice from a place of expanded awareness. Most of us have narrowed our experience of life and ability to respond down to a very narrow band, being asleep or unconscious about the greater part of it. If we didn’t, we would be overwhelmed at what we have put up with and continue putting up with.
In the development of the mind and the mental ability to problem solve, we have traded in the awareness of our instinctual and emotional responses for the illusion of security in trusting that the mind can solve everything. We are quickly seeing that in these accelerated times not only can the mind not keep up, but that it limits our ability to respond in other ways so crucial to our survival at this time. The mind is almost never present. It is almost always either in the past; reviewing, judging, trying to understand, categorizing, filing and organizing; or in the future; planning, worrying, tracking, organizing and trying to get a handle on linear time. Notice that when you are doing a task that requires complete presence, the mind becomes quiet and inactive, taking a back seat.
Animals in the wild and other aspects of nature react to their environment with efficiency in their knowing, timing and action. This does not come from a place of mental planning but rather from being aware and responding to the present circumstances. Nature is very flexible. Because of our attachments, expectations and constant mental micromanaging, we have lost both the ability to be flexible and the ability to be instantly responsive. We have diminished our experience of life, we have fallen asleep, and we forgotten how to trust and be present.
We are still in an emotionally centered year. The emotional center is there to teach us a different way of reacting. The emotional center is not about emoting or being emotional. It is about relying on a different level of intuition that takes in way more information than the intellectual realm of the mind can ever process. We need to remember how to use this center more effectively so that we can trust our non-mental process and begin to give it more credit. The mind is a very useful tool and it is important to use it to set intentions, goals and direction, but we cannot expect the mind to get us there. The mind on its own is not capable of driving enough energy to accomplish anything. It is too limited and yet we have given it this impossible task. No wonder we feel helpless, powerless, fatigued and confused.
It will take time to turn this pattern around and you can start by waking up your senses and paying attention to your surroundings by being more present and aware. If you spend a little bit of time every day in non-mental awareness practicing being present, you will exercise this part of yourself and eventually it will become automatic. This is what is required in order to move into a higher state of consciousness at this time. Anything you can do this month that raises your consciousness is an excellent use of the influences. Any practices that help connect you to spirit and get you out of your mind will also be very helpful.
There will be many lessons and opportunities to see just how effective you can be without your mind trying to control everything. The discipline will be to keep yourself present and out of the past and the future. This is the time to step up to the plate, show up fully and take responsibility for yourself, your actions and your truth. It is time to get out of denial, to open your eyes and all your senses, to truly look at what you have been putting up with and to do something about it. This requires courage and action and you may not always get positive responses from others, as misery loves company. When you decide to take the high road you may need to set some boundaries against certain energies that are no longer compatible. Remember that negative reactions from others are usually projections and it is important not to take things personally especially when you know you are on the right track.
By the same token, if you are having a strong negative reaction to someone or their actions, you may need to look at how you may be projecting on them or how their actions may have threatened your own complacency and denial. See each of them, as a teacher and a mirror, stay neutral, present and awake.
This is an incredibly accelerated time where incredible things are possible. You need to watch for the aggression mode of the year showing up in negative ways both in yourself and in others. Since the mind is being quickly surpassed by the speed of things these days, you also may experience anything from feeling like you are losing your mind, panic attacks, anxiety and amnesia. This is much about the dissolving of linear time and thus the tracking method of the mind. Watch also for bleed-through from the astral plane at inconvenient times, throwing you momentarily off the course of linear thought. You are being called upon to trust all the other senses, to trust your intuition and to learn to process information in a different way. The acceleration of the times makes it possible to accomplish way more than your mind would “think” possible. At the same time, if something is destructing, it will take much less time than “usual” for it to completely destruct. Any process is aggressively accelerated in these times so if something seems stagnant or not moving, all it needs is a spark of intention to set it on course.
Click here to access the full monthly commentary packed with tips to help you strengthen your relationships, health, finances and more.   Print out the full forecast and reference it throughout the month. (The above is an excerpt from the commentary).
The author of the monthly forecast, Lena Stevens, is an author and co-founder of an international school and consulting firm dedicated to the study and application of shamanism and wisdom.  Lena Stevens has co-authored books with Jose Stevens, Ph.D., such as Secrets of Shamanism:Tapping the Spirit Power Within You and The Power Path: The Shaman’s Way To Success in Business and Life.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

July 2011 Forecast–Personal Growth and Big Breakthroughs

The main theme for July is Birth.
It is OK to feel like a different person, to not know who you are, to sense that something has changed in a big way even though you can’t really say what it is, and to feel somewhat unsettled, ungrounded and anxious. It means you have found yourself in a new landscape and are uncertain as to how to navigate and move forward. Learn to let spirit guide you and give up trying to control everything. There is great opportunity this month for personal growth and truly stretching your container of what is possible. You can adopt a whole new belief system and expand your awareness to the degree you never thought possible.
The “birth” theme of the month can also be seen as a re-birth. Re-birth always follows the death of something. It is not too late to give up and let go of attachments that may have been holding you back. What in you still has to die for you to be able to have a re-birth into a new life?
We have been in labor and in the birth canal for a while now. Labor is uncomfortable and being in the birth canal is intense. We leave the safety of the known environment that has gotten too small for our growth. We are launched into a new world that we have no idea yet how to navigate. It is a scary place of stimulus, danger and our focus is instantly on the basic need for survival. We are vulnerable yet strong with a powerful intent to survive and live life. If you have ever watched newborn animals at this critical phase, their ability to propel themselves fully into life in order to survive is amazing.
At this juncture we have been launched into something new. We are all in some process of birth whether we like it or not. Some of us are still in labor as some labors are longer than others. The shorter labors provide more intensity and the longer labors provide for more preparation even though they may leave you somewhat weakened. Some of us are already in the birth canal with the realization that there is no going back. And some of us are actually crowning and ready to explode into a new life.
Just as it is important to have good physical caretakers that await you as you are born, and helpful teachers as you learn to navigate physical life, it is also important at this time to have strong guidance and support from your spiritual practice, your relationship to spirit and nature, your guides and allies, and those who can help you at this time. The support of community is also being called upon to provide a strong container for this new experience.
An infant at birth has no idea how their intentions and life goals will manifest as they mature. An infant at birth is pure potential landing in an environment of vast opportunity, pure innocence, and not yet imprinted with the limited belief systems of others. The imprinting and circumstances of a physical infants birth and first experience of life is usually dictated by karma, agreements and a chosen blueprint. Your birth now into something new carries a freedom with it of choice with regards to intention, imprinting and limitations. Use this time well and decide how you wish to live, how you intend to be supported and what you choose as your new imprinting. You can either limit yourself or go for an expanded sense of freedom and creativity.
An infant spends a great deal of time on the astral plane bringing across the information needed for developing the lifetime. You may find yourself drawn into dreamtime for short catnaps during the day. Do not resist this. It is important time on the astral plane. An infant is curious and trusting and has no way yet of defining the present based on past experiences. Practice living your life like an infant whenever possible. This will keep all your options open and allow you to truly see things in a new way.
We can’t stress enough how truly amazing this time is for breaking through into something new. See every challenge as an opportunity and trust in the big picture when events around you are being defined as negative, destructive or unnecessary. It is a raw and edgy time. Emotions will run high and aggression could be at its worst. Just as a woman in the process of giving birth is not always the nicest to be around, everyone going through their own process will have times of being cranky, overwhelmed, out of sorts, very uncomfortable, and even in major meltdown mode. Have compassion for yourself and for others around you. You have grown beyond the size of the old container and it is time to push through into a new landscape. It is scary leaving the known environment even though you are cramped and squeezed but there is no other option at this time. We are at the point of no return and there is no going back. An infant that refuses to come out of the womb when it is time will become toxic with its own waste. Do not let that happen to you. Let go, let go, let go. Your future security will depend on how well you navigate the birth canal, not whether or not you can hold on to any of your old structures.
An infant needs care. You need care. It is a time to put yourself and your needs first. We are not talking about high maintenance needs of the physical body personality here. We are addressing care in terms of health, spiritual life, time, rest, creativity, love, and allowing yourselves to do the things that you love to do and have wanted to do for a long time. Personal care is nurturing and protecting the new landscape, not taking things personally that others may project onto you, and making sure that you put yourself and your true desires of spirit first. It is a good time to revisit your definitions of responsibility and to differentiate between your true responsibilities and the dependent expectations of others. Being of service is not carrying another’s burden but rather showing them the way through your own example.
This month is crucial for taking some time for self and for setting good boundaries against energy leaks from others, bad habits or behaviors. It is an excellent time to be surrounded by nature whenever possible. Focus on the power of the sun as the representative of fire, one of the elements of the year and a masculine energy. Bless the service of this element and spirit in your life. Focus on the power of water and the other element of the year and a feminine energy. Bless the service of water, its life-giving as well as destructive force. Pay attention to your own water element in your body. Feed it with the spirit of water. Focus on the masculine sky realm as the patriarchal father archetype witnessing and supporting your birth, protecting the infant, imprinting it with the unconditional love of the generous and protective masculine.
Click here to access the full monthly commentary packed with tips to help you strengthen your relationships, health, finances and more.   Print out the full forecast and reference it throughout the month. (The above is an excerpt from the commentary).
The author of the monthly forecast, Lena Stevens, is an author and co-founder of an international school and consulting firm dedicated to the study and application of shamanism and wisdom.  Lena Stevens has co-authored books with Jose Stevens, Ph.D., such as Secrets of Shamanism:Tapping the Spirit Power Within You and The Power Path: The Shaman’s Way To Success in Business and Life.

Monday, May 2, 2011

May 2011–Influences To Take Advantage Of and To Beware Of

This month begins a much larger cycle of bringing all the disconnected parts back into communication with each other. In the name of individuality and based on the model of competition, the right hand has not known what the left hand is doing for a long, long time. The masculine has been disconnected from the feminine, our personalities have been disconnected from our essences, the mind has been disconnected from the heart, systems of the physical body have been disconnected from each other, and we have been living in an uncooperative, separate, lonely, dysfunctional world. There is no communication, everything is secret, and we guard our ideas, hearts, generosity, emotions and energy, measuring them out in small amounts and then only for the highest price. We are just as stingy with receiving as we are with giving, guarding ourselves against the danger of exploitation and the fear of annihilation. What a sorry state we have found ourselves to be in at this juncture of our evolution.

With all that said, we now have a great opportunity to change this pattern around from one of separation to one of cooperation and community. The theme of getting two sides of the same edge to communicate and work together is a huge one. This is just the beginning of a process that will probably take years but is necessary and inevitable as the next step in our evolution on the planet as a species. When was the last time your heart spoke to your little toe or your liver spoke to your pancreas? When was the last time you spoke to your food with gratitude for where it came from? When was the last time you asked for help?

We have been fed an illusion that power comes from being able to stand alone and to not rely on anything or anyone else. To some extent it is true that being self -sufficient is preferable to being overly needy, however this applies more to how you run your energy rather than to what you accomplish in the world. It is a known fact that when you have help and support you can accomplish a great deal more than if you don’t. What would it be like to have all your body parts cooperating with you in accomplishing a physically challenging endeavor? What would it be like to have help and support come easily, naturally and without conditions? And what would it be like to be confident that your intentions will always manifest because you trust 100% that it will be so? It is time to change our approach to life from one of effort and mistrust to one of believing in the cooperation of the universe.

There is a focused energy to the month that will work well with the aggression mode of the year when used in conjunction with your clear intentions. Intentions should be set very specifically and with plenty of flexibility for cooperation and support. Intentions should always be set around how you want to end up feeling and how satisfied you wish to be in your life. So when you are setting an intention for prosperity, instead of a dollar amount, set your goal to be what you intend to feel and what you imagine that amount will give you in terms of satisfaction. That way you give the universe more options for cooperating with you on manifesting your intention. Likewise if you are looking for a relationship, be specific on how you wish to feel in that relationship instead of what you think it ought to look like. The points of reference for the achievement of goals and manifesting are outdated and we are just now in the process of creating new ones. We have not yet experienced what it would be like to live life from a fully supportive and cooperative place where there was never any concern that an intention would not manifest. These are uncharted waters and a very exciting time on the planet where anything is possible provided we keep eliminating our attachment to old ways.

One of the aspects of this month is focus. Focus is important if you want to harness the engine that will drive your intention into being manifest. There can be no distractions and you have to be clear about what you intend. This is not a time to sit around and wait for something to happen. This is not a time to become frozen with fear like a deer in headlights. This is a time to move, to act, to intend, to ask, to pray, to get support and to be cooperative. Cooperation is a two way street. You must be cooperative yourself if you want to have cooperation. Part of this process is simply coming into an awareness of all things being connected. Set the intention to do your part and everything else will fall into place. Consider yourself and all that you have around you that supports you in life. Think of that support system as being a connected community of parts and pieces that need to work together to synthesize your life. From your car to your house to your clothes to your plumbing to the food you eat to your body functions to your friends, work, nature, time, your bank, grocery store etc.; they are all connected and form a cooperative community of sorts that supports your life.

Many of you have the illusion of being separate, alone, disconnected and unsupported and yet you are not. If you begin to focus on how everything is connected then you will begin to experience a greater sense of support, belonging and harmony. You will begin to streamline your intentions and trust the universe to deliver. Your life will become richer and you will feel more active and participatory rather than passive and victimized. So be aggressive about what you want but be a cooperative participant in the setting and manifesting of your intentions. One of the biggest lessons of these times is to learn to communicate and learn to trust. The fear of disillusionment and disappointment has kept most of us from communicating our deepest wishes. We don’t want to be seen as arrogant, foolish and unrealistic so we have kept ourselves small and secret. It is time for that practice to be done with and time to turn our sights towards a more intimate, trusting and cooperative pattern where so much more is possible. Instead of asking why, we should be asking why not.

Whenever you are working with a theme, the opposite of the theme shows up to illuminate the lessons. So in the case of cooperation what you may experience first is the uncooperative aspect of your life. You may be shown where you are disconnected and where there is effort. You may experience life as being very uncooperative. Should this happen, acknowledge the reminder and get to work changing your attitude. We have a tremendous opportunity right now to connect up the dots, to heal the rift between opposing forces and to get ourselves back on track. When you think of cooperation think of connecting right and left, behind and in front, up and down, inner and outer, the heart and the mind, masculine and feminine, giving and receiving, the body and spirit, all with the intention of getting them to communicate and cooperate.

Click here to access the full monthly commentary packed with tips to help you strengthen your relationships, health, finances and more. Print out the full forecast and reference it throughout the month. (The above is an excerpt from the commentary).

The author of the monthly forecast, Lena Stevens, is an author and co-founder of an international school and consulting firm dedicated to the study and application of shamanism and wisdom. Lena Stevens has co-authored books with Jose Stevens, Ph.D., such as Secrets of Shamanism:Tapping the Spirit Power Within You and The Power Path: The Shaman’s Way To Success in Business and Life.

For a more complete discussion on the themes and influences for 2011 link here to order a download of TRENDS 2011 (link here).