Saturday, January 15, 2011


Discover How To Release Stress and Empower Yourself


Saturday, February 5th, 2011

Experience Your Hidden Power At Any Time, Any Place

(even if you don’t know the first thing about 
how to use your mind powers

In this live Los Angeles workshop, you’ll be guided step-by-step to do a shamanic journey. This journey will enable you to enter a deep meditative state, but it’s not really “meditation” as meditation is commonly practiced today.

A shamanic journey will help you go beyond accessing a meditative state, which is a powerful bridge to your higher mind and inner power. You will learn how to cross this bridge rather than getting stuck on the bridge, as is the case with common meditations.

You’ll discover how to…

* experience deep states of total relaxation to access higher mind states

 dramatically reduce stress and anxiety

* release emotional/physical discomfort

* access a higher force beyond your sub-conscious mind

* learn how to get insights and answers to your most pressing questions

* have increased energy and greater optimism

*experience a greater spiritual connection

* learn how your mind works and what you can do to influence your reality

*increase your inner power and learn to overcome obstacles

* experience a greater spiritual connection

What’s a Shamanic Journey?

Did you know that throughout history, shamans, Apache scouts and other wise men and women of knowledge have possessed the power to journey deep within to tap the universal source of information and wisdom?

The Journey will enable you to enter a meditative type state, but it’s not really “meditation.” Many meditations are limited or ineffective. Common meditation practices require the person to sit still or lie still, and when deeper levels of meditation are reached, the person falls asleep or is nearly comatose. Also, typical meditative practices can not be used in a dynamic way.

The shamanic journey is not an end result, but rather a bridge to your higher mind, to your inner power. The objective is to avoid getting stuck on the bridge, as in the case with common meditations.

You want to cross this bridge rather than stay on it. And, once you do, you need to be active rather than passive. The objective is to interact with your higher self to ask for guidance, ideas, insights and answers to pressing questions that are important to you.

Your higher self is a force that is always there to guide you.

Why Should You Use Your Mind Powers?

When you experience deeper states of mind, you will gain far more than feelings of deep relaxation and the elimination of stress. When you shift your state of mind from ordinary states of mind (beta) to higher mind levels (alpha or theta), you can access your inner power.

Your mind is tremendously powerful. You have levels of mind that you have never used consciously. At higher mind levels, you can develop specific abilities that are far beyond what you can imagine. You can gain important insights as to what you need to do in your life to create what you desire, how to heal yourself or loved ones from physical, emotional or mental ailments, how to have more joy in your life and much more.

The mind is where everything starts. Your mind is your doorway into infinity.

Ancient wisdom and modern science provide many clues about the powers of the mind. In physics, for example, it’s known that the mere act of just observing a molecule changes its molecular structure. In other words, thoughts affect our external world.

Your thoughts influence your reality and your probable future. Thoughts affect all facets of our reality such as health, finances and relationships. Our potential mind power is beyond what we have been taught to imagine!

Modern science is only beginning to catch up to the wisdom that the ancient ones have passed on to us over the ages. There is an unseen web of energy that connects us all. A growing number of scientists and researchers call this web of energy the Mind of God.


Saturday, February 5th, 2011,
9:00 am to 1:00 pm
If this course is no longer available when you register,

**To attend the workshop, payment must be received by
noon, January 27th th**


We will meet in a private location in Franklin Canyon. The canyon rests on 605 acres of awesome forested land near the center of Los Angeles (behind Beverly Hills).

Click on the Buy Now button below to register for the workshop.


Mary Rivas, founder of, will lead the workshop.

Lecture and the Shamanic Journey
(See Essentials below*)

Group sharing about the Journey
(Open invite to share experiences)

Individuals will be given a practice
(to be done outdoors in nature, weather permitting)




Once you have registered for the class we will e-mail you all the information you need to attend the class, including location of workshop gathering, directions to the canyon, and what you need to bring.


Parking is available on the grounds at no charge.

**To attend the workshop, payment must be received by
noon, January 27 th**

Click on the Buy Now button below to register for the workshop.


Mary Rivas has a degree in psychology and attended graduate school in psychology.  For nearly ten years, she has studied with shamans.  She is the author of How To Have A Greater Spiritual Connection: Creating Wealth, Health and Joy With Personal Power.  Mary has also produced a unique CD entitled The Journey; in this audio she teaches people shamanic journeying.  As a consultant, she works with individuals to help empower them and enhance everyday life.  Her philosophy is that we are all here to connect with our inner vision, the higher force within us that guides us in all areas of our lives.

Mary is the founder of  www.UnlimitedInnerPower.comShe provides many free resources to help empower individuals on all levels.  Her blog www. provides additional free resources to help people spiritually, emotionally, materially and physically.

To learn more about The Shamanic Journey, watch our video here.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

How A Vision Quest Can Be Life Transforming


The vision quest is a timeless spiritual practice. The traditional quest is one where the questor goes out alone in the wilderness and fasts from all familiar things---food, (sometimes water) and all communication with people for a period of days or weeks.

All the great spiritual teachers, such as Jesus, Buddha, Mohammed, spent time alone in nature to connect with their higher spiritual self. You've probably heard about Jesus spending 40 days in the desert fasting. That was vision questing.

There are many forms of questing from every continent in the world. More common quests are four-day quests. Some consider the "sweat lodge" a form of questing.

This ancient practice is becoming lost as there are very few that teach about it today.


Why would people want to put themselves thru this "little death"?

The purpose is to quiet the mind and take inner journeys---very possibly the greatest inner journeys one can take.

When you spend extended time in nature, your everyday mind (the beta mind state), starts to quiet down. As it quiets down, the higher mind, also referred to as theta and/or delta states of mind,emerges. As you access this higher mind, you connect to a higher force, to the spirit-that-moves-through-all-things.

And when that happens, it is life transforming. Many questors get visions during their times of solitude in nature. A quest can help you map out your life's path or what you need to accomplish before you leave this planet.

It answers the deepest spiritual questions and helps you to connect with Spirit. It also tests and develops
your personal strength.

Grandfather, a very powerful wise elder, considered the vision quest an absolutely necessary spiritual practice that could not be substituted.


"Grandfather" was an Apache wise man, healer and scout, named Stalking Wolf. By the time he was 20, he was called "Grandfather" by all the elders in his tribe, a sign of great respect for his spiritual and earthly wisdom. By way of several vision quests, he discovered that his path would be to leave his tribe for 60 years, traveling up and down the Americas searching out spiritual truths. At the age of 23, he left his tribe and became a wanderer on a life-long spiritual quest.

To learn more about Grandfather, ancient wisdom, powerful practices and empowerment techniques, visit our website.

Mind Machines To Super Achieve

I want to tell you about another powerful tool that you can use to train your mind to enter theta and delta to achieve some pretty awesome results. I'm talking about mind machines.

What they can do for you is mind blowing... 


Mind machines are high-tech brain tools that have been proven to enhance mental functioning, boost brain power, alter your mood, and quickly produce peak performance brain states. They provide an avenue for experiential self-exploration. Mind machines can serve as gateways to the spirit, as tools of transcendence.

Light and sound machines, also called AVS (audio visual stimulation), are the most common mind machines. They're easy to use and affordable. Using light and sound pulses at a specified frequency, the mind machine stimulates mental activity in various ways.

They essentially enable you to shift perception from the waking state to a variety of altered states of consciousness.


For centuries, temples, meditation schools and churches have used sensory stimulation to heighten one's experience. Light and sound, for example, have been used to quiet the mind and calm the body. Temple bells, singing, chanting, awe inspiring
architecture and flickering candles have been used to induce deep states of mind.  

Since ancient times, shamans and sages have used the power of fire and rhythmic drumbeats as a bridge to cross from the sub-conscious to deeper mind states.

Did you know that merely gazing into a fire can help you slip into a relaxed or dream-like state? That happens because the fire's flicker rate puts one in the alpha/theta range. Nature is truly our ally.

Today, we can use mind machines to our advantage and control when we want to induce these altered states. Flickering lights from fire can be replaced by flashing patterns via goggles, and drumbeats can be replaced by rhythmic sounds through headphones. 


They change your mind state by altering brainwaves patterns.

Brainwave activity tends to fall into four groups: beta, alpha, theta and delta. Brainwave frequencies are linked to various mind states and moods. 

Light & sound mind machines entrain your brainwaves into the states where meditation, dreaming, or concentration take place. These mind tools gently shift your brainwaves where you want them by stimulating your senses with beautiful patterns of light and sound.

The benefits of these high-tech mind tools center around the concept of what's called entrainment.

Entrainment means that the brainwaves take on the same rhythm of light, sound pulses or vibration. Entrainment occurs naturally in nature such as during rainstorms, bolts of lightning, the steady rhythm of chirping crickets, waterfalls, and streams.

Nature Versus City Entrainment

Entrainment is not always beneficially.  It also happens with the noises occurring in daily city life. Emergency sirens, fast racing vehicles, and airplanes are disruptive to your inner world. Pulsed light waves from television also produce brainwave entrainment-and not in a positive way.

Nature provides brain entrainment that serves to benefit you physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Cities, in contrast,create entrainment which disrupts your brain from enjoying tranquility and peacefulness. 

Fortunately, the use of mind machines can allow you to create states of mind that will empower you whenever you want. They're a way to access inner peace and energized states when ever you choose. 

The power of accessing higher mind states restores the body's ability to relax and heal and so much more...


Mind Machines induce deep states of relaxation, diminish negative emotions, and simplify meditative type practices.

Light and sound is an effective tool for anyone who wishes to explore altered states of consciousness, awareness expansion and sensory stimulation, psychedelic-like visual imagery, and profoundly deep relaxation. 

Experiences vary from person to person. Here's some of the benefits of using mind machines...

* Increased creativity

* Deep relaxation

* Memory improvement

* Deeper and better sleep

* Lucid dreaming

* More stable and positive emotions

* Immediate stress relief

* Increased energy after a session

* Enhanced ability to visualize

* Increased ability to focus

* Deeper levels of meditativeness

* Stimulation of growth hormone

* Pain reduction


With special light-bearing sunglasses over your closed eyes and headphones over your ears, you are immersed in colorful dancing geometric patterns and entrancing sounds. The light and sound pulse rate shifts from state to state as the session progresses; mental activity will follow the pulse rate of the machine. 

The stunning light creates psychedelic-like visual imagery within your mind and stops the monkey mind chatter.

With so many possibilities you may be wondering where to begin.

Visit to learn more.

See also video below.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Welcoming January 2011!

In this month’s forecast, Lena Stevens, author and co-founder of an international school and consulting firm dedicated to the study and application of shamanism and wisdom, reveals influences and opportunities to take advantage of.
Click here to access the full monthly commentary that you can print and reference!

Below is an excerpt from the commentary.
The main theme for January is RESETTING PRIORITIES.
We are now under a new set of influences and themes. As the trends of 2010 have started their exodus as primary motivators and the new trends have begun to settle in, we are inspired to take the creative artisan energy of the last year and begin to use it in realigning our relationship with service. We want our lives to not just be creative but purposeful, growing us towards a deeper satisfaction around what we are actually doing here on the planet. In December, the influences were internal, transitional, re evaluating, and very focused on maintaining on a personal level.  The moving center of 2010 stepped aside allowing the emotional center to flow in as the primary influence for 2011. Many of you may have felt unfocused, unproductive, aimless, tired, subdued and possibly even un-inspired as the moving centered artisan influence of 2010 released its primary position. Now we have an adjustment period as we realign ourselves with what we have chosen for this year. For a time it may still feel like we are under the influence of the artisan as there is definitely the creative desire for expression. However the artisan is not running the show but rather becomes part of the foundation that is in service to the server role of the year.

One of the first things on the agenda for 2011 is to reset your priorities. Spirit has given you many clues and messages over the past months regarding what should be important in your life, where you should be putting your energy and intention, what needs to be let go of as it is of an old paradigm, and what you should be doing and with whom. Some of you have been better than others about listening to these hints and actually taking the steps to reinvent yourselves in a way more aligned with spirit. Therefore some of you will feel a surge of energy this month that should enhance this alignment and open opportunities for self-expression, support and the experience of service. The experience of service is not only related to how you can serve others and the planet, but also addresses how you can be served and how you are presently served by spirit, your allies, the elementals and all of nature.  There is definitely a potential in this alignment for a higher centered experience of life, connection, and all things being really “right”.
If you have not been great at listening and feel your life is somewhat less than you would like it to be, it is never too late to discard those attachments and to choose resolutions that will put you back on track. We are still under the influence of the very powerful winter solstice, eclipse and Full Moon, and will be until the New Moon on January 4 that comes with a partial solar eclipse. The time frame between two eclipses, especially when they are accompanied by other very powerful alignments, is always very potent and should be used proactively to set your intentions and to get things moving in the right direction. If you have been feeling unmotivated, lethargic and unfocused, that could change just before this New Moon when we should experience a surge of energy. Make sure this surge does not scatter you into chaos and negativity, but rather gives you some needed fuel to move forward in the right direction. If you have your priorities set straight you should experience more energy, enthusiasm, inspiration and movement. Pay attention to the intuitive wisdom of the emotional center and the synchronicity it produces. Don’t let the questioning mind get in the way of what you know to be emotionally true. Pay attention to the signs of spirit and don’t argue with or resist what is obvious.
The resetting of priorities this month will definitely be addressed, whether proactively by your decisions and choices, or not so proactively where you end up at the effect of someone else’s decisions and choices. For example, if you know you are in the wrong work situation but have not had the courage to do something about it, a decision may be made for you where you end up out of that work situation through a medical condition, being let go or some other unpleasant circumstance. Take the resetting of priorities this month seriously as there is a rather large engine of energy that wants to propel all of us in the right direction.  Evaluate where you are with your priorities and be truthful about what needs resetting. It may be that you will have to give something up or disappoint someone or take a risk. But if it is the right decision, you will know it.
Since we are under the influence of the emotional center, these decisions of what is “right” for you cannot be fully intellectual. The knowingness must come from another more intuitive place. This is especially challenging for those of you who are not as comfortable with the emotional center and who are used to relying on your rational mind for your answers and problem solving abilities. This is a time when little can be actually solved by “thinking it through”. It is better to use the capacity of the mind in support of the decisions of the intuitive self. Watch out for the obstacles of Self-deprecation and Martyrdom as they try to discourage and disregard what you feel as insignificant, wrong or unworthy. Watch the mind as it strives for control through these obstacles. Trust and hope may be uncharted waters for you but they may be all that is left in some situations.
Remember that what is right for you will also be influenced by the server role of the year.  Re evaluate your motivations for anything you do and any situation you are in. Have the courage to change your mind, say no or yes, and to open yourselves to receive the support and service available to you. The era of going at it alone to prove your strength, power and independence from others is over. This is a time of building trust, receiving support, and collaborating with others. Resetting your priorities should always include putting yourselves first in line to be served by spirit and to receive what is available to you.  Sometimes it is difficult to see through to what is your priority over what is someone else’s priority. In partnership you may have to compromise and support and honor another’s priority at the same time as supporting and honoring your own. This requires a balance so that there is an equal exchange. Often to make a collaboration work, all parties need to be supported equally in a give and take exchange especially when it comes to what is most important. What is most important to you may not what is most important to another and vice versa. Coming up with a balance where everyone gets their needs met and their importance honored will create a balance and bring the spirit of service into any partnership. The main thing is never to give all your power away and compromise yourself completely as this will only lead to resentment and Martyrdom. At the same time, if you are a person who does not make a point of considering what is important to others, this could be an opportunity for you to improve your partnerships by doing so.
Let’s look at some of the specific areas you may need to reset priorities and what it may mean for you if you do it successfully and what it may mean if you don’t.

To read about the influences this month on your finances,
relationships and health, click here to read the full commentary.