Tuesday, April 5, 2011

April 2011 Forecast and Trends

The main theme for April is FERTILITY!

You could say that aspects of physical life on this planet have been in a winter cycle of hibernation. Certain attitudes and behaviors have been repeated and repeated with very little change towards a more evolved way of being. The planet, and therefore each one of us individually as well, is currently having its soil turned from a deeper place, uncovering an underside that has not been broken up or aerated for a very long time. It is disruptive and often fatal to whatever is left from the previous cycle when the tiller of change comes plowing through. Even some of the worms that are in service to keeping the soil from being completely calcified are sacrificed along the way. Roots of old harvests, dry stalks, rocks, clumps of clay, and relatively “dead” soil comes to the surface. What is exposed in the process is now to be seen, identified, broken up, sorted and cleaned up. This process can at times be violent and require force depending on the extent of the hardness or calcification needing upturning.

The underside with all of its stagnant and calcified dirt clods represents an old way of thinking, of being attached, of creating, of intending, of communicating, and of living. Nature is being extremely cooperative and helpful these days in turning its own soil. It is up to us to take the process from here and to do the sorting, the clearing of stones that represent the obstacles we put in our own way, and the breaking up of the hard calcified clods that represent the old calcified places in ourselves.

Many of you have already experienced the tiller of change that has disrupted the calm surface of stagnant soil. You are deep in the process of looking at what has been uncovered, appalled perhaps by the violent nature of the disruption, sorting through it, mourning the sacrifices, and feeling daunted by the task you see in front of you. When you look at soil that has been turned over and lies in clumps it is hard to imagine what a beautiful creative garden can grow out of it. Perseverance is required as you roll up your sleeves and get to work. Being neutral about what you see is imperative, so that regret, shame, guilt, anger, resentment or self-deprecation doesn’t waylay you. It is what it is. Remember that soil in any shape can be worked with to bring it to a fertile condition. So if you think you or your situation is beyond hope, think again. It is an insult to spirit and to nature not to give more credit to the larger picture of evolution and to see that all of this is just a part of the big plan.

Anything that can be interpreted as a disaster should be re-defined as an opportunity for fertility. Anything that seems like the end is only a threshold to a new beginning. Anything that seems old, dead and full of obstacles can be reworked into a fertile bed ready for something new. The key is your own willingness to remove the stones and to break up the clay that represents the attachments in your life. There is tremendous fear out there and you will be subject to its influence every day. Don’t buy into it as it blocks the creativity needed to work with the ground you are making fertile.

The process of aerating the soil represents aerating your own mind, ideas, habits and patterns. By moving things around and actively training your mind to release old ways of thinking, you are making room for new growth and new experiences. If something is too fixed and solid, it is no longer fertile. It is said that young minds are fertile and it is because they have not yet fixed on their version of reality. You must get yourself to that young-mind place if you wish to take advantage of this new age. Be willing to create the space in your perception that is needed to allow for experiences you cannot now conceive of. When you aerate soil, you bring in lighter material to increase good drainage. The lighter material required for good aeration is represented by a higher vibration of energy and the quantum field of possibilities that so often takes a back seat to the current drama unfolding in your life. The good drainage is your ability to eliminate what does not serve you quickly and efficiently without judgment, regret or anger.

Adding nutrients to recharge the soil is the next step. Your own personal compost made of old waste is the best compost. All of your experiences and all of your teachings, challenges, lessons, loves, learning, and whatever you have done or not done, felt or not felt, thought or not thought in your life becomes rich compost for future manifestations. In order for you to have access to this compost you must acknowledge its existence. Harvest all that you have processed, honor and acknowledge it.  When you save scraps of food to make compost for a garden you have to be actively engaged in the composting process. You could just as easily throw everything into the trash and have it taken away. Out of sight, out of mind. But then you don’t get your own compost. You can always use some one else’s, but personal compost is way better. In working your own experiences into the soil of your circumstances to make it fertile, you are also giving value to your life. You are acknowledging the tremendous value in everything you have done, thought, felt and experienced.

Because the garden is such a good analogy we invite you to make a chart or a list of these concepts and work with them daily, finding your personal representations of clay, rocks, aeration, drainage and compost.

Freedom is also a very important to acknowledge and work with during these times, understanding it for yourself and where it fits into the greater scheme of working with creating fertile ground especially around the concept of aeration and loosening up your attachment to the way things have always been. Jose has a wonderful and timely audio on the subject that will give you additional ways to take full advantage of the opportunities at this time. (Link to Freedom Through and From “Time” audio here)

Even through we think of Fertility as a feminine condition, in order for your seeds to actually grow in the fertile ground you have created you need the masculine spark. That masculine spark is represented by the fire element and your own spark of inspiration around what is possible when you get your hands into the soil. You cannot be afraid of getting dirty or working hard. Anyone who has had the vision of a garden and then has actually seeded, cared for, and then harvested one, can attest to the great feeling of reward at harvest time. So be inspired by your process and the tremendous opportunities available for seeding a new way of being, a new way of thinking, a new way of living, new projects, a new environment, new work, new relationships, new attitude, new ideas. This is a tremendously fertile time on the planet. Look at all the compost we have available to us. Look at all the turning of the soil and aeration taking place. We are truly ready to plant new seeds and to spark them to grow through our own inspiration about the future we are creating. We need to think positively about what we can plant and how fast it can grow. Remember that this is also an accelerated time where things can manifest very quickly.

A good garden is nurtured, watered, exposed to the right amount of sunlight, weeded and pruned when necessary, and protected from harm. If you are inspired to plant some seeds of creativity in your life, protect the seedlings from the judgments of others and any of your own negative thoughts and attitudes that can harm their growth. You are often your own worst enemy and need to be aware of the damage you do to your own creative process by not trusting in yourself or in spirit. Build a good fence around you garden that consists of practices that keep you on track. Make a habit of not believing everything your mind tells you and be persistent and persevering in weeding out the doubt, the fear and the negativity that threatens to choke the growth. A good set of practices will also act as nourishment. Feed yourself with beauty, love, inspiration and all the energy that nature provides. Look to the sun and look to spirit to guide the timing. The times are fertile and all you have to do is pay attention and stay positive.

Click here to access the full monthly commentary packed with tips to help you strengthen your relationships, health, finances and more.   Print out the full forecast and reference it throughout the month. (The above is an excerpt from the commentary).

The author of the monthly forecast, Lena Stevens, is an author and co-founder of an international school and consulting firm dedicated to the study and application of shamanism and wisdom.  Lena Stevens has co-authored books with Jose Stevens, Ph.D., such as Secrets of Shamanism:Tapping the Spirit Power Within You and The Power Path: The Shaman’s Way To Success in Business and Life. 

For a more complete discussion on the themes and influences for 2011 link here to order a download of TRENDS 2011 (link here).

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