Friday, February 11, 2011

How Being Single on Valentine’s Helped Me Achieve My Dreams

With Valentine’s Day coming up, I thought I would share a personal story about my life when I was single for a long time. I remember that I even dreaded the arrival of Valentine’s Day. Year after year, it was the same old story. I would spend Valentine’s by myself, and would, more often than not, indulge in sad feelings.

At that time, I had no idea how struggling with being single would one day help me achieve my life’s dreams.

One day, I called a dear friend of mine, who is amazingly wise, and confided to him that I was really tired of being single.  The first thing he told me was to not waste time and to start immediately to pursue my life’s purpose, and the right man would surely come my way.  He went on to tell me that once I did as he suggested, my life would positively change for the better.  “Enjoy your single days joyfully now while they last” he added.  He advised me to think of this new approach to life as an “experiment.”

The moment he told me that, it really made an impression on me. I am not sure why but deep down a little voice told me that his words of wisdom were right on.  I made a decision to seriously contemplate what my life’s mission was. And, I committed to living every day with joy and gratitude for my life.

Joy Is An Ally That Will Help You Manifest What You Desire

Later I was to discover that joy is a powerful emotion.  It has a high vibration and will help you manifest what you deeply desire because its vibratory level is closest to the level of creation.

I have to tell you that I even made a pact with Spirit, Universal Intelligence.  I promised that I would deeply enjoy being single and that when I did find my dream partner, I would commit to always supporting him in every way I could to help him live his life’s purpose.  I felt really good about this “deal” that I made.

The “experiment” went very well.  Friends and family asked me if something had changed in my life.  One friend even asked me if I was in love.  My energy had positively increased, and I did feel in love—in love with life that is.

During that time when I was single, I spent quiet time focusing on my life’s purpose, on what I wanted to accomplish before I left this mysterious world. Having time to myself helped me to discover my new life’s work. I soon realized that I wanted to stop working for companies, and that I wanted to create my own business to help people become successful using ancient wisdom.

My Single Days Were Over When I Increased My Energy & Followed My Purpose 

I became really excited about realizing my life’s purpose, and I started to focus more and more on my future business. Long story short, my business goal led me to attend an Internet marketing conference.  It was there that I finally met the love of my life that I had so longed for.  My wise friend had been right.  I had found the right man once I focused on following my life’s mission.

As I look back, it has become clear to me.  I found my beloved partner when I was already happy with my life and focused on achieving my life’s vision-my purpose.  I had learned the “lessons” that I needed to learn.
Interestingly, my beloved also had made a decision to pursue his purpose in life, and that is what led him to attend the very same conference that I attended.

Ancient wisdom teaches that a man not living his vision is living death. As we focus on a higher purpose, we become whole and the universe will absolutely support our path every step of the way. It is a universal law.  We become empowered and can more easily release those heavy beliefs that drain our energy. We acquire the power to live a magical life.

Emotions, such as joy and gratitude, are powerful forces. They will increase your energy and will help you manifest. In contrast, heavy emotions, such as fear and worry, drain personal energy and keep you stuck.  Have you ever efficiently achieved a goal or solved any problem while engulfed in emotional trauma?

Now I want to share tips for increasing your energy, emotionally as well as physically. To create what you deeply desire, such as finding the love of your life, requires personal energy.  Change your energy, and change your life.

10 Empowerment Tips To Increase Your Energy and Change Your Life

1.    Love yourself.  How you feel about yourself will determine what you attract into your life. Forgive your self now, accept your self, and become free to create your ideal life.  If you haven’t attracted the beloved that you desire, ask yourself if you truly love yourself. It will be difficult to find the right partner to love you, if you can not love yourself.

2.    Follow your purpose.  As an Apache shaman, once said “A man not living his purpose is living death.”  As you follow your life’s purpose, you become whole and are in an advantageous position to achieve your personal goals. You have access to a higher power that formerly was not within your reach.

3.    When you find yourself feeling low, do empowering things to increase your energy such as spending time alone in nature.  Nature has a high vibration and is a powerful ally.

4.    When you find yourself feeling low, release what’s holding you down.  Heavy emotions that drain your energy, such as fear and worry, are likely to be the first culprits you need to release.  To the extent that you are held down by old beliefs, patterns and wounds, you are not free to let go of the past and create your future.

5.    Make a full commitment to take action to get what you want in your life. Do whatever it takes to keep your energy up and be impeccable about your intent.  Read the February forecast to learn more about the power of intent and realizing your dreams.

6.    Write in a journal how you want your life to be like today.  Be the script writer for the movie you want to create. Empower your goals with envisioning and other success techniques. Learn shamanic empowerment practices that teach success tools together with wisdom.

7.    Do something for yourself that you’ve never done-something that you would really enjoy.  When you break one pattern or a routine, it can help you to dislodge other patterns that keep you stuck in the past.

8.    Treat yourself to special chocolate with at least 80% cocoa. Pure raw cocoa lifts the mood and increases energy due to the abundant presence of phenylethylamine aka PEA (known as the “love molecule”) and anandamide (called the “bliss chemical”).

9.    Treat a friend and yourself to something really out of the ordinary-an energy enhancing food that is “supercharged” with PEA-the same compound found in chocolate that stimulates pleasurable effects on mood.  E3Live BrainON contains approximately 50 times more PEA than chocolate.

10.     Relax about your goal. Every morning give thanks. Gratitude is a powerful ally in the universe. This force will not only help you achieve your dreams, it will keep you from falling into the dark realm of fear and unhappiness. The moment you feel gratitude, you open your heart and are on the track of power.

Happy Valentine’s.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

February 2011–A Powerful Time To Manifest Using Unbending Intention

The main theme for February is Commitment.
It is time to get off the fence and really commit to your intentions and goals without the need to know how you will accomplish them. There has been a tendency to get bogged down in the need to know and the process of trying to understand whatever present situation you are in. The mind has entertained itself long enough with the creation of stories to try and get a handle on this understanding. All this processing and storytelling has thrown conditions into the mix and kept true commitment at bay. “I will commit to this if…..”
This is the month where the “ifs” or conditions around your intentions need to be put aside and relegated to a position of less importance. You know on an intuitive level what you truly want and it is only the fear of not getting it that keeps you hesitant to commit. It is the mind that comes up with the reasons that feed the fear and keep you imprisoned in your story. Are you willing to give up your story? Who would you be without your story? This is not an easy opportunity to deal with. It demands trust, courage and intuition. Use the aggression mode of the year wisely to cut through the bullshit of the mind and begin manifesting that which you have fully committed to. Remember that we are also in an emotionally centered time and headed for experiences that don’t necessarily make linear or logical sense.
For more details about the trends for 2011 (link here).
Belief systems are probably the most challenged this month as they create the foundation of our stories. Belief systems are anchored in the past and will continue to affect our future unless they are disconnected. They are instruments of the mind and only geared towards survival. They will continue to feed you false information until you examine them and give another instruction. This is a great time to examine your beliefs and see how absolutely divorced many of them are from what is really going on in the present. It is important to stay out of judgment as you realize how outdated your beliefs are and the enormity of what needs to change.
Everyone has specific beliefs about what will make them happy, healthy, loved, successful, well, tired, sick, sad, strong, stressed, depressed, anxious, relaxed, good, bad, responsible, irresponsible, forgiven, spiritual, productive, unproductive etc.. Take some time to examine each of these categories and ask yourself what your personal and specific belief systems are regarding each one. Sometimes it is easier to write in a stream of consciousness exercise unless you are able to do this with a partner where you simply express the stream of consciousness regarding each belief. This is not about judging anything to be either right or wrong. This is about uncovering what’s there so you can see what has been running the show. Emptying the mind in this way is very powerful and you will get to see where your fears are hidden. Belief systems are very limiting in that they constantly create the reasoning behind why you can or cannot do or be something or someone. There are many examples in history of people who have accomplished extraordinary things because they did not buy into the belief that they could not.
We have talked before about the power of the collective belief system that guides the evolution of all living things on the planet. In order to change the collective belief system, each individual must first change their own. It is the hundredth monkey effect that dictates that when enough individual belief systems have evolved to a less limited function, the whole collective will be free to evolve as well. So all of you out there that wish to be of service to the planet at this time can do so by working on your own belief systems.
Along with beliefs come expectations. Expectations are different from committed intentions as they are usually attached to a specific outcome. They are fed by your beliefs and their success or failure becomes part of your story. A true “don’t know mind” leaves a lot of room for your intentions to manifest in interesting and wonderful ways. When you commit to something one hundred percent, without the need to know how you will get there, the universe will begin to weave it creatively into the physical world.
All information about everything already exists in the quantum field and that information will respond to the instruction it gets that comes from unwavering commitment. The minute you try and control how something is going to happen you diminish the power behind the intention that is necessary for the quantum field to respond. And if you commit with conditions (I will do it “if”) the quantum field is a bit confused as to what you really want and will end up creating chaos from mixed messages. Sometimes you have to make a choice. Here is a good example of that. If you are involved in legal negotiations for damages for health reasons (accident, environmental pollution etc.), there is an attachment to your continuing to be in poor health as part of the argument. All the energy you are putting into the legal process is reinforcing the fact that your health and well-being are compromised. The quantum field takes that as an instruction from your belief system. You need to continue to be compromised in order to receive compensation. Therefore the other intention of actually getting well is clouded by the need to remain ill.
Regardless of the other players involved, you may have to examine your original motivation and intention and commitment. If your primary intention is to end up completely well then that is what you intend even if it comes to you in a different way than winning a legal battle over compensation. Beware of giving the field mixed messages. Committed intentions that are not compromised are indeed powerful and have the ability to become manifest almost overnight. If your intentions are compromised or clouded with doubt, mixed messages or conditions it will be much more difficult to see results.
We can’t stress enough the power of these times and what they afford to everyone in terms of opportunity if you can commit, stay in present time and get out of your mental trap that needs to know and control the how of things. You don’t need to know how, you just need to know what. In fact there is very little information available with regards to “how” these days. And what is available is outdated and doesn’t work. So be a pioneer of your own life and decide what you want. Then commit to it one hundred percent without the need to know how you will get there. The early explorers did not have a map. They followed their intuition and they followed signs. They paid attention and stayed present. Signs are different than conditions. You can always ask for signs to guide you so you know you are on the right track. Signs appear as support and provide synchronicity and magic. Conditions are what you place on your intentions that keep them from being fully committed.
Let’s talk about the aggression mode of the year as it relates to and will be filtered through the obstacles. This is something many of you will have to deal with perhaps on a daily basis and it may not be pretty. It will be important to stay out of judgment and to practice compassion and neutrality instead of reacting. All the obstacles will become more aggressive. For example someone who has martyrdom can become aggressively blaming and complaining and demanding; those in stubbornness, aggressively obstinate, argumentative and defensive; those in impatience, aggressively intolerant, dismissive and inconsiderate; those in self-destruction, aggressively destructive and self-destructive and belligerent; those in greed, aggressively hungry, hoarding and ungrateful; those in arrogance, aggressively going for attention and trying to make themselves special; and last but not least those in self- deprecation aggressively withdrawing, giving up, rejecting support and acknowledgement. Remember that self-deprecation is also one of the obstacles of the year and will be manifest by everyone in varying degrees. All the obstacles are nasty, do not serve spirit and will derail your good intentions and commitments faster than anything. So beware, try not to react to others and watch your own tendencies.
The author of the monthly forecast, Lena Stevens, is an author and co-founder of an international school and consulting firm dedicated to the study and application of shamanism and wisdom.
Click here to access the full monthly commentary filled with wisdom tips and practices, which you can print and reference throughout the month. 
(The above is an excerpt from the commentary).