Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Powerful vs Weak Affirmations---Four Tips Everyone Should Know

You've probably heard that saying affirmations over and over again can change your life. Or that viewing your affirmations on a daily basis can create changes. Or you might have cds that play affirmations for you.

But do affirmations really work?

The answer is yes and no.

Let me explain.

The right affirmations, done properly and applied with other techniques can really make a difference. The wrong affirmations, said the wrong way and not applied properly will be completely ineffective and can create disasters in your life.

So just how do you use affirmations in the right way so that you get maximum results?

1. Be aware of how affirmations work
2. Know how to create them
3. Experience them in the deeper levels of your sub-conscious mind
4. Use them for certain time periods and at powerful times


Thoughts are instructions sent to your subconscious mind. Thoughts repeated regularly become beliefs. After a while you start to believe what you repeatedly think. And, when your beliefs change,
your world changes.

Thoughts create reality. Thoughts are forms of energy. Everything on the physical plane has a spiritual counterpart.

Visible forms of energy, such as money, your clothes, and the car that you drive, once were invisible. They were once thoughts that coalesced into form and density until they materialized on this
physical plane. Everything that exists on the material plane, once existed in the world of thought, in a realm that is infinite and that is not bound by time or space

Thoughts are your hidden allies that you can use to get things to happen.


Before thoughts can transform into visible forms of energy, they need to be energized in a certain way.

Below are examples of weak affirmations vs. powerful, energized affirmations. See the notes below to understand why they are weak vs. powerful.

Weak Affirmations

A) "I pray that I can get rid of my debt soon"
C) "I will meet the love of my life one day when I least expect it"

Powerful Affirmations

B) "I am thankful for creating huge financial success right now
in an easy and enjoyable manner."

D) "I know exactly what to do to realize a joyful relationship
with my dream partner and I am thankful for being guided every day."

Affirmation A --- is too vague and is likely to produce vague results at best. Even worse, this affirmation focuses on a negative thing--- "debt" and by focusing on debt, you're likely to actually create more debt in your life. Train yourself to focus your attention on what you want and to avoid thinking about what you
don't want. Put your energy into happy thoughts.

Affirmation C --- is vague and focuses on the future. With this type of affirmation, you are likely to delay producing the relationship you desire since you are essentially telling the universe to give it to you in the future ("I will") rather than now. You could be waiting a long time.

Affirmation B and D --- use the powerful "I am" decree and these words put you in the present ("I am now") rather than the past or future. When using "I am", only use positive thoughts; negatives
are best placed in the past. Lastly, these goals are detailed and as such the universe knows clearly what to deliver to you.


Focus on your affirmations throughout the day, especially when you're in a meditative-type state such as theta.

When your mind quiets down, and you access deeper levels of consciousness your thoughts are more energized and more powerful. When you are in a deep state, such as theta, your sub-conscious mind
is more receptive to commands. It's especially important that you focus only on want you want and avoid all thoughts about what you do not want. Be keenly aware of your thoughts and only hold those
thoughts that you want to materialize.

Get into the spirit of what you desire. Feel it as if what you desire has already happened. Then, let it go.

Relax and trust that your goal is now in the process of being materialized. Many people have difficulty relaxing because they are filled with doubts. Be aware that by associating heavy emotions,
such as tension and doubt, with your goals, you are making it difficult to materialize your goals.

Achieve your goals faster than you thought possible when you relax and energize your ideas during states of theta.


Don't allow yourself to be discouraged if nothing seems to happen when you practice affirmations. Reserve judgment. Keep at it. It takes 21 days to break a habit. It takes 40 days to make a new habit
and 90 days to lock it in. From a shamanic perspective, the most powerful times to focus on
your goals and affirmations are at sunrise and sunset.

Humans are plugged into the natural world. We don't function separately from it. We are deeply connected with it. As such, the earth and the natural rhythms affect us. For example, when the sun goes down, we naturally get sleepy.

At dawn and dusk, our brain waves (rhythms) are closer to theta. Theta corresponds to the world of spirit. And, when we are closer to spirit, we have a stronger effect on the material plane.

Thoughts are invisible forms of energy that live in the world of spirit. When they are energized enough, they materialize on the physical plane.

That doesn't mean that you only focus on your affirmations during those two times of the day. It means that you take advantage of those times to give your affirmations extra power.

You need to say and feel your affirmations, as explained above, regularly throughout the day.

If you say an affirmation just once or twice a day but for the rest of the day fill your mind with negative thoughts, you'll eliminate the power of your affirmations.

If you want to get a new job and you say a positive affirmation about finding a new job, but then follow it up with a series of negative thoughts such as "There are no good jobs." or "Nobody's hiring during this bad economy..." That kind of attitude will lead to negative results, like not finding a job or finding a job that
you don't like.

Yes, you can absolutely get affirmations to work if you create the right affirmations, apply them correctly and use techniques to energize them.

A powerful way to energize your affirmations and goals, is to access the deeper levels of your mind. I highly recommend going into theta to energize your affirmations.

You have unlimited powers. You are a remarkable human being.

Create the right affirmations, and direct the power of your subconscious mind to help you create the life you want.

Begin working with the power of your mind and change your reality.
Visit to get a FREE audio that will help you reach deep states of mental and physical relaxation and much more. We promise that you'll enter a state of altered heightened consciousness (theta) within the first ten minutes of listening. When you sign up, you'll also receive inspiring articles and stories to help you become more empowered.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

December 2010 Forecast–How Will This Month Play Out?

In this month’s forecast, Lena Stevens, author and co-founder of an international school and consulting firm dedicated to the study and application of shamanism and wisdom, reveals influences and opportunities to take advantage of.

Click here to access the full monthly commentary that you can print and reference!

Below is an excerpt from the commentary.

The theme for December is MAINTENANCE.

This is a month of putting time and energy into all those aspects of your life that require maintenance at this time. Maintenance is not only about changing the oil in your vehicle or drain opener in your pipes, although that may be right on target for some of you. Maintenance also refers to your physical and emotional health, your home, your spiritual life, your relationships, your car, your things, your work environment, your routines, practices and disciplines. This is an excellent time to review what is out of balance or has been neglected and to take action or make a plan to take action. It is a good time to scrutinize your environment to notice what is broken or in need of cleaning, elimination or an upgrade.

December is characterized by an energy that is local, ordinary, somewhat inward and close to home. Keep good boundaries against putting too much expansion on your plate, as this is not the month for it. Look to what needs doing in your own back yard. Fix or upgrade the things you already have rather than expanding into new territory. The influences are pulling the energy inward and some of you may feel restricted or confined by it. Beware of impatience and becoming agitated or antsy around the illusion of limitation. Think instead of this time as catching up to yourself through the process of maintenance in the areas that need it.

Things in your life that do not function are an energy leak. If you have a broken toaster that is waiting to be fixed, either fix it or get rid of it. We learn to live with things around us that do not function. They get stuffed into a closet or put into the garage. Part of maintaining balance in your life is to address these items that are not functioning or are no longer useful and to do something about them.  They create dead weight and take up valuable psychic space. It does not matter what you paid for something or who gave it to you. The price of having these things around holding energy is not worth it. Either fix them and put them back into service or give them to charity or to someone who can fix and use them. A good formula if this task feels overwhelming is to take one thing every day and either fix it, take action to fix it or decide to eliminate it. How many items of clothing do you have waiting to be mended or waiting for a button to be sewn on? Do it or get rid of it.  Look in your closets and junk drawers and basements, attics and garages and just pick one thing every day.

Then take one thing everyday in your physical environment that simply needs maintenance like cleaning the fridge or your oven, or weeding out a bookcase or changing the oil in your car, and do it or take action to do it (like calling the housecleaners or making an appointment with your mechanic). Then take one thing that could use an upgrade and take an action step towards that upgrade. This could be buying a higher quality food item or something inspirational such as flowers for the table, or something to support your health. It could also include refreshing the paint on a wall or replacing a ratty piece of furniture. All of this activity sends a message to the quantum field that you are taking Maintenance seriously and you will definitely be rewarded for it.

An equally important part of the Maintenance theme this month is to look at the aspects in your life that need more from you at this time. If you have neglected your health due to a busy work schedule, this would be the time to do something about that. Whatever it is that you require for more balance should be included in your daily routine and program this month. Whatever you need more of, whether it be rest, exercise, healthy diet, a hair cut, teeth cleaning, body work, etc., work it into your schedule this month and make it a priority. Many of you have a tendency to put yourselves last. This is a month where you need to put yourselves first on the list of things to maintain. Since the influences of December are consolidating the energy towards self and the home front, always think of what is best for you and resist the tendency to want to please others. There will always be someone who is disappointed in your choices. Don’t take it personally and avoid reacting to the projections of others. Beware of your energy leaks. Identify them, eliminate them and focus on re charging yourself.

Some of the less obvious and more intangible areas requiring maintenance are the areas of relationships, personal growth, spirituality and intentions. Regarding relationships, this is a good time to make note of what relationships need some attention and to do what is required. If you have not been spending enough time with your family, pets, employees or good friends, this would be the time to remedy that. If unimportant people are unreasonably demanding of your time and energy, you may have to set some boundaries in order to maintain a balance. Pay attention to old relationships that cycle back into your life with unfinished business or karmic history. Do what it takes to get things back into balance. Be honest with yourself and others regarding where your responsibility lies and where it doesn’t. You can’t fix it for someone else, only for yourself.

The area of personal growth and spirituality has to do with your relationship to self. Only you know where you are in this area and what it means to you. Maintenance may include professional emotional help, the support of putting into practice bits and pieces you have collected over the years in the area of personal growth, and perhaps some discernment of what you do and where you go from here. Most of all it is important to pay attention to your emotional and spiritual well being, to practice good spiritual and emotional hygiene, and to do whatever you can to stay connected to spirit and to follow your own intuition. Don’t worry if you don’t feel like you are making any progress this month. This is not about feeling expansive and higher centered but rather about getting all your ducks in a row in preparation for what’s to come. All the work that is being done under the surface is creating a stronger and deeper foundation that will carry you through future times. And it does require attention, discipline and maintenance.

Your dreams, plans, intentions and desires also have to be maintained. If you have a practice of visualizing or affirming your intentions or setting goal or wish lists, this practice also needs maintenance and attention. Anything that becomes too much of a routine where you are no longer present with the process needs to be re evaluated. Try going over your practices in this area and re inventing them just slightly so they become more meaningful to you. Whenever you make a change, you are likely to be more present with the process until it becomes routine again. This is also a good month to re evaluate your current goals, intentions, dreams and plans to see if they are presently viable, appropriate or something you still really desire. Remember to make sure they are yours and not in consideration of someone else. You can never set goals and intentions for someone else, only for yourself.

The downside of this month is that you may feel overwhelmed with how far you have let things go in the area of maintenance. Don’t be hard on yourself. Take it one step at a time, do one thing at a time. Watch the tendency for procrastinating and make a little sign for yourself that says DO IT NOW. Watch self-deprecation as it wants to judge you for being so neglectful. It does not serve to wallow, complain or be depressed. These are energy leaks. Just do one thing at a time that does not feel overwhelming to you, like polishing a pair of shoes or doing your laundry. Remember that part of this practice of maintenance is symbolic therefore polishing a pair of shoes has an energetic ripple effect that will begin to form a pattern of momentum around other maintenance tasks. The other challenge this month could be a tendency to feel flat, bored, impatient, and like nothing significant is happening in your life despite the numerous activities of the day. You may feel like you are spinning your wheels especially if you are person somewhat addicted to the drama of high level activity. Relax, there is a lot happening in the mundane day to day and this is an important time to regroup, recharge, maintain and rebalance.

To read about the influences this month on your finances, relationships and global issues, click here to read the full commentary.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Beyond Meditation -- Secrets of An Ancient Powerful Technique

Throughout history, shamans and other wise men and women of knowledge have possessed the power to journey deep within to tap the universal source of information and wisdom.

Shamans have always known that the answers we seek can be found within. Bypassing the stumbling blocks of the outer, material world, they perfected techniques of accessing higher mind levels to find answers, gain insights and achieve profound understandings.


The shamanic journey is a technique for accessing higher mind levels to get answers on questions that are important to you, to gain insights and achieve profound understandings. It is a great tool also to use for training the body and mind to enter deep states of total relaxation. At a minimum, you will learn how to release stress and to help heal your total being.


A shamanic journey enables you to enter a meditative type state, but it is not really "meditation" as meditation is understood and used today. Most meditations are limited or ineffective. Common meditation practices require the person to sit or lie still, and when deeper levels of meditation are reached, the person falls asleep or is nearly comatose. Also typical meditation practices can not be used in a dynamic, moving way.

A journey is not an end result, but a bridge to the higher self---a force that is always there to guide us. The objective is to avoid getting stuck on the bridge, as is the case with common meditations. You want to cross this bridge between the sub-conscious mind and the higher mind. Once you do, you need to be active rather than passive. That is, you want to ask for guidance, answers and any help that you deeply desire in your life.


Before beginning a journey, you are advised to focus on a specific question or a subject that you need help with. Your questions can range from the sublime, such as asking what you can do to become enlightened, to the most practical, such as asking about a work related issue.

Have a purpose for your journey. Imagine that you are going to talk to a very old wise man or woman. You will want to be patient, respectful, calm and receptive to everything this wise being has to say.

You can pose your question in one of these ways:

•Will this job offer be a wise decision for me and my family?

•How will the problems in my relationship be resolved?

•How can I make money in an easier and stress-free way that brings me greater happiness?

How A Typical Journey Is Done

Here's a brief description of how a typical shamanic journey is done: When you are first learning to journey, you sit down or preferably lie down in a relaxing space. In the beginning, it is best to close your eyes and have relaxing music in the background to help you focus. You are guided to follow a relaxation process that includes breathing exercises and releasing body tension. You then imagine a place in nature, such as a forest or desert, where you walk down a path until you reach an entrance, such as a cave opening or an arch that is part of the earth. Once you walk through the entrance, you are guided to use all your senses as you enter a deeply relaxed state. As you journey, you pose a question that is important to you. By accessing a higher mind state, you access messages, insights and guidance that you may not access during normal waking states.

It is advisable to follow a step-by-step guide when you are first learning to journey. Once you train your mind to do shamanic journeys, you can journey by yourself at any time and any place, even while you walk.
The shamanic journey is used for communicating with your higher self--with Spirit. It is practiced to retrieve information from the higher realms of the mind. From ancient times, shamans have used the process of journeying to travel within to access answers, insights, guidance and help from the spiritual realm.

To learn more about shamanic journeying and a free bonus e-book on journeying visit


How To Make The Law Of Attraction Work With Personal Power

Movies such as "The Secret" and "What the Bleep Do We Know" have attempted to teach people about the power of the mind and thoughts. Many have seen these movies, read the latest books on the "law of attraction," and attended seminars on manifesting and positive thought techniques. Yet, not many have actually been able to successfully make the law of attraction work for them.

For most people, success has been far and few between. Why is that? What is the missing link for manifesting what we deeply desire? Becoming aware of your limiting thoughts is crucial, yet it is not enough. Just thinking and affirming positive thoughts will not enable you to consistently achieve your goals. You will need to go further.

Ancient wisdom teaches that to achieve extraordinary results in life we must build up our energy, our inner power. Success in all areas of our lives---financial, business and personal, is not a result of education, social status or anything out there. It comes about through using our mind in a certain way and expanding our awareness.

Your Mind Is Your Link To A Higher Force

Most people spend their waking hours in the mind state of beta, which keeps them from accessing and growing their inner power. In beta, your mind is bombarded with never ending thoughts. Beta is known as the logical and restrictive mind. High levels of beta are associated with stress related symptoms such as feelings of being overwhelmed, sleeping problems, and aches. When you are trying to make the law of attraction work for you, it is to your great advantage to focus on your goals when you are deeply relaxed. Why is a relaxed mind important? A mind that is filled with stress (emotional or physical) cannot easily transfer new positive mental pictures to the sub-conscious mind.

The Deeper You Go Within, the Greater Your Power

In contrast to beta, the mind level states of alpha, theta and delta, are associated with states of relaxation such as meditation. As you access deeper levels of your mind, you can more easily connect with a higher force that is greater than you. These mind states are not restrictive but rather very expansive. They help to expand your awareness beyond ordinary consciousness.

As you go deeper within into higher mind states, such as theta, you can connect with a higher force, to Infinite Intelligence or what some people refer to as the mind of God. As your connection with Infinite Intelligence becomes stronger, you become more empowered gaining insights, guidance and abilities that were formerly outside of your reach. Then, you will be in a much more empowered position to make the Law Of Attraction work for you and make changes happen in your life for the better.

It is not important to remember the details of the different mind states. The important point is to become aware that you can use the powers of these deeper levels of your mind to create a better world for yourself and for others.

Ancient wisdom teachers, such as shamans and alchemists, teach that we are part physical and part spiritual beings. In other words, each of us has a spiritual counterpart. We all have a Higher Self, a higher force that always is trying to help us evolve and grow our personal power. It is through our higher selves that we get the guidance we need to live deeply happy lives, to make wise financial decisions, to heal our bodies, to choose partners for our highest good and to get insights on difficult life decisions.

While the Law of Attraction is true, without inner power, our ability to make the law of attraction work will be limited. Without enough personal power, we have difficulty understanding inner guidance that continually communicates with us in attempts to help us achieve powerful results.
The importance of inner power is often misunderstood or undervalued. It not only will help you make the law of attraction work for you, it will help you transcend ordinary living. It is not an exaggeration to say that much of the suffering and difficulties people have in life is due to a lack of personal power.

Whether you desire to manifest concrete goals, such as a new job or house, or abstract goals, such as greater intuition, the more inner power you have, the greater your capability will be to achieve what you set out to accomplish with speed and ease. Manifesting your desires, healing, and creating miracles are real possibilities, and indeed, probabilities, when you connect with your personal power.

Visit for a free audio that will help you access deep states of mental and physical relaxation and much more.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

How Remote Influencing Can Increase Your Personal Power

The first step to discovering personal power is becoming aware of how your mind works.

Most of us use only a fraction of our mind's potential power.

The goal of remote influencing is to help you use the full power of your mind and to connect with a higher force, the creative intelligence of life. The key to doing this lies in gaining access to the deepest levels of your mind.

Every second of your life, nerve cells in your brain generate electrical patterns that change depending on your state of mind, your thoughts and emotions. Scientists refer to these electrical frequencies as brain wave patterns. In biofeedback, brain wave patterns are categorized into four states or levels: beta, alpha, theta and delta.

As our mind quiets down, it starts to produce slower brain wave activity, such as alpha and theta. When you learn to quiet your mind, you'll enter deeper states of mind and gain access to capabilities of the mind that were formerly outside your reach.

1. Beta

Most people spend virtually all of their waking hours in this state. In beta, your mind is bombarded with never ending thoughts-non-stop mind chatter. High levels of beta are associated with stress and anxiety. Stress-related symptoms such as feelings of being overwhelmed, sleeping problems, aches and joint pains, for example, are common when people do not know how to quiet their mind.

2. Alpha

Alpha is often experienced when we are in a very relaxed state. In states of alpha, you have a much greater potential for creative breakthroughs, insights, achieving goals and super learning.

What takes years to learn in Beta, for example, can take just months in alpha.

3. Theta

When your mind slows down even more and further detaches from the external reality, you enter the theta state. It is in this state where the maximum level of learning can take place. Here, you can learn things that you never thought were possible.

When you slow your brain frequency to this state, you gain access to greater mind powers. People can experience theta when in a deeply relaxed state such as in meditation. Also, you can access this powerful state while being in nature, such as a forest or desert, for extended periods of time.

4. Delta

When your mind slows down even further, your mind enters delta, a domain that is extremely powerful. Few people are aware of this other world, so to speak, because when most people enter delta, they lose conscious awareness and fall asleep.

This powerful level of awareness is available to all but few have been able to consciously tap into it. This is the realm of shamans, mystics and sages.

To receive a free remote influencing audio and learn more about the powers of the mind, visit

Amazing Mind Secrets Used By Geronimo & Apache Scouts

Who doesn't live their life with the hidden sense that we are destined for more? That underneath our ordinary exterior lays an extraordinary being that can live a phenomenal life? We have all felt that simply because deep down we know it's true. Our inner voice has been telling us that for a very long time; we just haven't learned how to fully open up to it.

There is a way to speed up achieving your deepest dreams while empowering yourself on multiple levels at the same time. And that way is by tapping your inner power through the portals, so to speak, of the deepest levels of your mind. There are various tools and techniques that you can use to expand your experiences of the powers of the mind. Remote influencing, an outgrowth of remote viewing, is one powerful approach for helping you do just that.

Remote viewing is a technique for gaining information not available to the ordinary physical senses. It allows a person to use his or her intuitive abilities to perceive objects, places, people etc., which are hidden or separated from the viewer in space by distance. It enables you to access the deeper levels of your mind such as alpha and theta.

While remote viewing has become more well known to the public since the 1970's, it actually has been around for a very long time. It's really an ancient mind technology as you'll soon learn.

Native American sages and indigenous people have been using remote viewing for hundreds of years. While they didn't label it as "remote viewing", the ancient wise elders, such as Sitting Bull, and scouts, such as Geronimo, used mind technologies to spy on enemy camps, to find medicine plants, discover miraculous cures and for hunting strategies. Of course, they approached remote viewing in a different way than how it's commonly used today. To the elders, it was a sacred process that was used along with fasting, prayers and vision quests.

Most people who are familiar with remote viewing know about it as an intelligence gathering tool that was used during the Cold War. The term "remote viewing" was first coined by researchers at the Stanford Research Institute in 1972. It was developed into a military program, at the behest of the CIA, to compete with Soviet research into psychic phenomena and mind technologies.

Well, the history of remote viewing may be pretty interesting, but what's more important is how remote viewing can help you in your everyday life. It's a powerful tool for helping develop intuition, gaining self-confidence, inner peace and releasing old beliefs that keep you from achieving your deepest dreams.

Why I Opened Up To This Ancient Mind Secret

I wasn't always interested in this mind-technology. Actually, I must admit, I didn't have an open mind to look into remote mind technology when I first heard about it.

But then one day my interest turned from cold to hot when I attended a seminar about Native American spiritual practices. The elder who led the training told us that it would be useful to explore remote viewing as a way to expand our understanding and experiences of the powers of the mind. He explained that Apache scouts and wise elders used forms of remote viewing to achieve some extraordinary feats such as mind-traveling across time and communicating with plants and beings from other realms.

Well, that was enough to change my mind. I began exploring this mind-technology and very interesting things started to happen. Besides entering extremely relaxed mental states (alpha and even delta), my anxiety and worries melted away. I began feeling much more confident. Everyday I got more insights that helped me improve my decision-making and achieve my deepest goals.

Everyone can benefit from tapping into their inner power. Personally, I believe that goals that are fueled with mind, body and spirit are much more powerful and beneficial than goals that are fueled with only emotional and physical energy. What good would it be if you achieved your goals but were so stressed out in the process that you became ill achieving them? Or what if it took you a very long time to finally achieve your goals and then you discovered that the achievement felt empty?

To reap the benefits of the powers of your mind, you need to regularly invest in yourself. As you continue to expand your knowledge of the mind and honor this gift, you'll experience amazing changes happen in your life.

Unlimited Inner Power was founded to empower individuals using basic ancient shamanic techniques, principles and wisdom combined with modern scientific understandings of the powers of the mind. We help you harness the inner power that you never knew you had and show you how to use it to achieve success in all areas of life: material, emotional and spiritual. Although the core of the teachings are based on knowledge that has been passed down by very powerful Native American elders, the teachings are not only Native American; they transcend culture and are universal.

Visit for a free audio that will help you access deep states of mental and physical relaxation and much more.

Remote Viewing Training - Four Tips to Maximize Your Results

Mind expansion and empowering techniques, such as remote viewing and remote influencing, are powerful tools for helping develop intuition, gaining self-confidence, and releasing old beliefs that keep you from achieving your deepest dreams.  These mind expansion practices can be easily learned using audio courses.

To get the most out of remote viewing and remote influencing training, follow the four guidelines below.

Remote viewing is a technique for gaining information not available to the ordinary physical senses. It allows a person to use his or her intuitive abilities to perceive objects, places, people etc., which are hidden or separated from the viewer in space by distance.

Remote mind technologies, such as remote influencing, are powerful tools for helping develop intuition, gaining self-confidence, increasing inner peace and releasing old beliefs that keep you from achieving your deepest dreams. These mind expansion practices can be easily learned using audio courses.

To get the most out of your remote viewing and remote influencing training, follow the four guidelines below. It's best to use good stereo headphones when listening to audio training.

1. Get into a very comfortable position

In the beginning, it's best to lie down in a very comfortable position. Put a light blanket on yourself to avoid feeling cold. Often when the body begins to relax deeply, body temperature falls.

If you have a back problem, you might want to put a pillow under your knees to avoid any strain. If the body is uncomfortable or stressed, you'll be distracted and won't be able to enter a deep state.

2. Make the environment free of distractions

Turn off any phones etc. You want to avoid any distractions that can pull you out of a deep meditative state.

3. Close your eyes

Close your eyes during the practice. It works well to cover your eyes with a blindfold if you don't have access to a dark room.

4. Keep an open mind during the audio training

If you have any distracting or uncomfortable thoughts during the remote viewing training, don't fight them. Just be aware of them and let them go. You can just tell these thoughts something like "Not right now." Or just imagine them disappearing off into the distance.


The deeper you travel into the depths of your mind, the greater will be your ability to connect to your greatest power, to your inner vision or higher self. The subconscious mind is a bridge between the physical world and the spiritual world.

As you cross this bridge and travel deeper within your inner world, you will access the forces that will help you achieve extraordinary results. This is true not only for remote sensing but for all powerful meditative-type practices that enable you to reach the deepest levels of your inner world.

To learn more ways to maximize your remote viewing and remote influencing practices and receive a gift audio, visit

Remote Viewing Techniques – Secrets of the Most Powerful Techniques

Before you begin a practice to achieve any type of success---personal, professional or spiritual, invest a little time learning about the mind and its connection to the non-physical world. After all, it's this connection to the unknown, to the invisible world of spiritual forces that will help you achieve extraordinary results in your everyday life.

Remote influencing and remote viewing are very powerful tools for developing your inner power.


According to behavior scientists, has four distinct states of mental awareness: beta, alpha, theta and delta. In each of these levels of awareness, there are distinct brainwaves. Each state corresponds to different levels of mind and body control.

In the first state of awareness, beta, your brainwaves oscillate the most---between 14-30 times per second. As your mind quiets down, it starts to produce slower brain wave activity, such as alpha and theta. When you relax even deeper, your mind enters the domain of delta where brainwaves oscillate between 1 and 4 times per second.

Delta is the domain of mystical and magical experiences. It is the deepest level of awareness; it is the doorway to the unknown. Delta is our greatest link to the divine, to the Creator of all things, to Universal Intelligence.


The deeper you travel into the depths of your mind, the greater will be your ability to connect to your greatest power, to your inner vision or higher self. The reason is this. The closer you get to delta, the closer you'll be to accessing the Creator of all things---the most powerful force there is.

The subconscious mind is a bridge between the physical world and the spiritual world. It is a bridge that you will need to cross, rather than stay on, contrary to what many believe.

As you cross this bridge and travel deeper within your inner world, you will access the forces that will help you achieve extraordinary results. This is true not only for remote viewing and for remote influencing, but for all powerful meditative-type practices.


There are many courses that teach people how to remote view while operating at the alpha level. While millions of people have experienced some basic levels of remote sensing (viewing) while at the alpha level, there are limitations with remote viewing at this level of awareness.

The problem with remote viewing in the alpha state is that you still receive a lot of information that originates from the beta level, the lowest level of mind awareness. It's similar to ordinary dreaming, when one draws information from the beta level. Perceptions from the beta level is typically filled with a lot of mind noise and can not be relied on.


The secret to the most powerful remote viewing technique lies in how far you travel into the deeper levels of your mind. Unless you reach the higher levels of heightened consciousness, your mind will be subject to sensing information from the beta level, a level of mental awareness that is greatly limited.

Remote viewing techniques that teach you how to access theta will be far more effective in teaching you remote viewing. That's because theta is the closest level to the ultimate universal mind, it's the direct doorway into delta. The delta level operates outside of time and space; it is infinity.

In short, it's when you remote view at the theta level that you can truly remote sense the unknown and be far more effective in your remote viewing practices.

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